Saturday, August 4, 2012

Week 2: Social + Cultural - Studio Activity

Week 2’s Studio activity required us to form groups of four and brainstorm possible future scenario in relation to social and cultural contexts relating to four different areas: Regional, Virtual, Urban & Suburban
The fast paced nature of the exercise made it feel like we were just making up scenarios and guessing our way through. I think being able to justify the scenarios will be something that we will have to work upon as the semester goes on.
REGIONALOur group came up with two scenarios relating to the regional context.
The first idea was a utopian community dominated by intellectuals in which “illiterates” and ”uneducated” are unwelcome as part of their society. The main problem I had with this scenario was “If simpletons are absent from the community, how would we know if the intellects are actually educated and intelligent?” On which basis would we be able to define and judge their intellect? I felt this also took from the idea that if there were no poor people, there would be no rich people. Another issue brought up by a group member was “Who would fulfil the lower tier occupations?” which would be necessary for the successful functioning of the society? It was proposed that technology could play a major role here. In retrospect, I believe this was our weakest scenario.

Our next regional scenario focused on organ harvesting through human farming. This idea was taken from the book Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro in which clones are created for the only purpose of organ harvesting for “original” humans. What arose from our discussion was that there appeared to be many movies and books which already extrapolated upon this idea of cloning albeit in very different ways. This gave light to the idea that it is something already heavily discussed in the present time and although rather grim if though of in terms of “organ harvesting”, may not be such an impossibility.

We attempted to brainstorm solutions of a virtual nature for problems of a physical nature. Here we focused on The Virtual Office and The Virtual Car.

I felt the Virtual Office and Virtual Car were directly linked ideas. The Virtual Office concept had to do with eliminating the physical office environment which, with the rise of modern technology, is becoming redundant. With the birth of the Virtual Office, less people would be required to travel to get work henceforth reducing the amount of traffic entering the CBD.

However, it was discussed in the studio that not all occupations would benefit from the Virtual Office and a large number of people would still be required to travel into the business district. From here we brainstormed the idea of the Virtual Car – pod-like automated system throughout the city. Idealistically, success of the Virtual Car would consequentially follow with the complete removal of cars from the CBD. As all pods would be programmed to run in sync with each other on an automated system, the idea is that accidents and congestion would be nil due to the eradication of the involvement of human error. Pods could be called hailed or requested much like a taxi, via phone or text message. Travel would be destination based reducing travel time dramatically. I think the idea of the Virtual Car was our strong idea from the brain storming session.

It was proposed that in the future, the Brisbane City Council would implement a congestion charge similar to that imposed in London at this present time. Our brainstorm session involved thinking of various issues that might have to be dealt with should the congestion charge become a reality.

Cost was the most obvious issue. How would be cost be determined? Would it be raised every year? Would those who paid the congestion charge to enter the city be required to pay for on-street parking? In order to avoid the congestion charge, it was theorised that drivers would park outside the zone and then take public transport or others means into the city. However, how does this affect the stagnation of cars in suburbs along the congestion charge border, especially in residential areas? Would the charge be enforced after business hours and on weekends? If so, how would this affect the culture and social environment of the city? How would pedestrians travel through the city? What about workers that are required to travel in and out of the city various times a day?

Should the charge be implemented, the revenue created could be used to advance the current public transport system in order to manage the increase in use which would occur should cars be completed prohibited from entering the city.

SUBURBANFor the suburban context we explored the proposed idea that shopping has become virtual.

Virtual Shopping in the Home
Retail has gone virtual. Advancement in technology results in consumer products in virtual format. Items are downloaded online/physically scanned from public marketing schemes and virtually experienced within the comfort of the home prior to purchase, INCREASING consumer satisfaction.

Virtual Shopping in Public
The technically advanced format of “mobile tagging” adds further dimension to advertisements.  Personal devices are used as scanners, allowing consumers to scan virtual consumer items of interest into their device to experience later. Items can also be purchased in the same manner with immediate shipment following confirmation of shipping details.

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